MDEC International, a
global Information Technology (IT) company is proud to create the Physician2Patient
Network (P2P Network) for the benefit of industry. P2P is the only network of its kind in the
specifically designed to benefit the physicians and patients.
By joining the P2P Network, the
physicians will be able to reduce the overhead
costs of their medical practices. MDEC offers them affordable
Medical Practice Management software, Electronic Medical Records
software (EMR software,
also called
EHR software) and necessary hardware to
automate their office work flow such as
medical billing, appointment scheduling
and many other
tasks currently done manually by office staff. MDEC also offers them
medical billing services as well as
transcription services at
reasonable prices.
P2P Network offers
FREE membership to the patients. They can store
life-time medical history at P2P
Network’s data centers. Besides many other benefits, they will be able to buy medicines
and healthcare products at discount prices
through P2P network.
For further information, please
Click Here.